A common request from clients is a way for readers to have easy sharing of their posts. Comments are nice, but they notice less and less people registering for sites and comments… readers just want to do a quick social sharing on to their favorite platform. Let us face it; we need our articles shared to help our SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
3Deers has responded because sharing is nice… and better SEO is very nice! We have installed and tested a new sharing tool available for WordPress sites hosted by 3Deers. This is a great way to help make your site visible to more people and allow folks to share your great articles on Facebook, Twitter and other popular social media sites.
The plugin installed is titled “Share Buttons by Lockerz / AddToAny”/. Their official description is “Help people share, bookmark, and email your posts & pages using any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and many more.” The share link button now comes up on all pages and posts… automatically! No installation required by our users to have this cool share button on the page. Nice and easy help to your site SEO.
With the default setting, the share button comes at the bottom of all pages and posts, but is configurable so you can put it at the top of the page or both. You also get 10 built in social sharing links, but dozens more are available to add as desired. The default shares are common sites Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Lockerz Grab, Delicious, Digg, Google Bookmarks, MySpace, StumbleUpon and Reddit. To add more, contact 3Deers for help or check the Settings tab if you are part of the self-service group. You can even change the size and style of buttons.
Our hats off to the folks at Lockerz! For anyone interested, you can check their details and give them a great review on WordPress.org. Oh, do not forget to share this article… we like better SEO, too!